Made My Day: Idiot Exes

My friend Jessamine broke up with her boyfriend for many reasons. But since then he has tried to call her many times, accused her of being a player, of wanting to get back together with him, of lying about wanting to be his friend because she didn’t want to call with him and hadn’t liked his new Instagram post. Every day it gets more ridiculous.

JustMeJuls xx

Made My Day: Teachers Calling

Nahume and I were told today that one of the criteria for the presentation we finished on Friday is no longer valid. So we wrote our teacher a message about that, and almost immediately after he had written back to us he phoned Nahume out of the blue to discuss our project. What he didn’t know was that I was also video calling her, so I got to listen to their whole conversation (to be fair it was about a project I am part of) but it was the most hilarious thing.

JustMeJuls xx

When Is It Real?

You were that guy I walked past on the street. You were that guy who showed me how to do the dance step. You were that guy I saw for 1.3 seconds before you drove off.

I seem to be obsessed with looking for attractive guys around me, just like my friends. But how do I know when you, “that guy”, are my guy? When we’re sitting next to each other, how do I know that I have feelings for you?

With the constant searching and the stories my friends tell, how do I know that I’m not just making things up, that I not just imaging things?

I tell myself, “I think about you a lot, so my feeling are real.” But am I just subconsciously forcing myself to do so? Am I held captive by my own emotions?

I am confused. I am only feeling this way because I am telling myself that I should. I watch the movies you recommend and force you to watch my favourites as well. But not just the movies are fictional. It’s a vivid fantasy world in my head too. But how do I know when it’s real?

How do I know if I like you?
